Hopi blessing

There is a river flowing now very fast.It is so great and swift that there arethose who will be afraid.They will try to hold onto the shore.They will feel they are being torn apartand will suffer greatly.Know the river has its destination.The elders say we must let go...

Crayons – by Laura Burror

If I had a friend named Crayon we could all live in one big box. We could have a lot of other friends with the same designer plots. Our clothes would be matching, although we would have different names; Each one of us a different color although all of us are the same....

Death comes for a Quixote guest

On April 20, 2016, at 7am, I was lying in my tent pondering what I was going to do for the day when I hiccuped. When I hiccuped I not only felt but heard a pop in my stomach area and, suddenly, a very intense burning sensation started growing from the area. Within two...

Is it a service dog?

Lately, there has been much discussion of what makes a dog a service animal. Garage guests put together their criteria: If your dog can use the remote, she’s a service dog. If your dog is smarter than you are, she is a service dog. You know it’s a service dog when it...

Tips from one who knows

I know more than just a couple of people who must take conscious care of their mental health. I have fought depression and anxiety since I was 10 years old. Yeah, diagnosed at 10. Since then, I’ve discovered some things that help. Not many, and not always...